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Q: What is Spaceports?
A: Spaceports is a massive multiplayer online game, a bit similar to other common massive multiplayer online roleplaying games, but with some very distinctive features: You will be set into a space scenario and your job is to be a merchant... your role as a merchant can be very different, for instance you can do loads of trading, getting wealthy, buy fancy new ships, obtain ranks and positions within a spacestation, etc. You can also be a rogue pirate, that is a still being a merchant, but getting the goods and money with a more sophisticated way

Q: When will it be ready?
A: I don't want to use the common phrase "It's done when it's done", but it's almost like that. Unfortunately we're developing the game in our leisure time, and therefore the time we have for developing the game is quite restricted. However we plan to have short-period milestones, that means we will make a small release every few weeks. That way you can track the progress very well. The overall development time for a playable official release will be at least one year

Q: What will it cost to play?
A: Nothing (we hope). You only pay your own internet connection. We don't know yet how to maintain high bandwidth servers without paying anything, but we're confident to convince a provider to set up a server for free. The program itself is developed as an open source project (that's why we're on SourceForge) and can be downloaded for free

project links

Bugtracker (not active yet)

project documents

Milestone 1 NEW! (16/08/02)
Milestone 2
Milestone 3
Milestone 4

Concept (11/08/02)
Developer coding standards