spaceports plan

All the things mentioned in here are subject to change. Please check for regular updates!

Copyright (C) 2002 by The Spaceports Team
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1
or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no
Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section
entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".

Version History:

version | date     | editor      | comment

1.0     | 11/08/02 | Jerome-X    | Created (chapters 1-3)

Everything in green is stuff that is new in this document version

  1. Development process
  2. Milestone 1
  3. Milestone 2
  4. Milestone 3

The development is only divided in milestones to make the development process as simple as possible. Each milestone contains certain well-defined goals to be achieved.

Each milestone should take about 3-6 weeks. After each milestone a small review will be held to check the planned requirements with the results. Following points are checked in the review and need to be evaluated for the next milestone

  • delays (differences in planned time and actual used time)
  • deferred/delayed features (if some weren't possible to implement)
  • playability
  • additional developed stuff (not planned for that particular phase)

General requirements for milestone 1:

  • a client program with all of the following features:
  • levels (space sectors)
  • fully controllable objects (spacecrafts) that can be flown in space
  • simple spacestations
  • simple station HUD
  • simple spacecraft HUD
  • Simple Main Menu
  • transition of player from a spacecraft to a station (docking on)
  • buying / selling of goods on a station
  • transporting goods on a spacecraft
  • (...)
  • Account server
  • (...)